Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Landing in Honolulu on Pearl Harbor Day!
Thanks veterans!

We are all pretty wiped!  Tara fell asleep in rush hour traffic from the airport to our hotel in honolulu.  Today we flew from Cedar Rapids to Dallas-Fort Worth and then to Honolulu (Brody would be only too happy to give you a run down of the DFW airport.  He met some nice people at the airport and they told him lots of interesting facts including that the DFW airport is bigger than Manhattan and has its on hospital)!
Overall, way too much time in the airplane-and we are not yet half-way there!  Everyone did great despite the long trip.  The kids wanted to sit in first class after seeing the cool seats and all the room!  We better win the lottery first.  When we landed here in Hawaii it was 80 degrees and we saw several rainbows.  The guy driving our van was really nice and gave us a mini tour as we drove in from the airport.

The second to last picture above is our first glimpse of Hawaii from the plane.  The last picture directly above is the view from our hotel-two blocks from the beach!  We better hit the bed!  Actually, I am the only one up so, I better join the crew.

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