Friday, December 9, 2011

12/9 Lots of fish!

This morning we had breakfast in our room-cereal and lots and lots of fruit.  We went down to the same beach we went to yesterday.  That was fun . . . but later in the morning we went to a new beach that had a ton of coral formations that was awesome!  We saw a ton of fish: convict surgeon fish, parrot fish, clown fish, angel fish, and a ton I have no idea what their name is.  We had an absolute blast.  The weirdest thing we saw was a dead eel with a large fish stuck in its mouth . . . a lesson in not biting off more than you can chew!  We had lunch in our room and did some laundry preparing for our late night departure before heading to the Honolulu Aquarium.  It was just what we needed-an air conditioned place where we can walk around.  We had a lot of fun and came back to the room to have pizza.  We are flying out tonight at 9:45 on Air New Zealand to Auckland!  As much as we are excited about this opportunity, we are not really looking forward to the 12+ hour flight.  We will actually arrive 9:30 am on Sunday morning 12/11/11 local Auckland time (that will be Saturday at 2:30pm central time).  

Who thinks our kids will sleep on the plane?  Anyone . . . anyone . . . no one!  We can be hopeful-Ursula already prayed the rosary this am!

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