Monday, May 14, 2012

Angelina in Invercargill!

May 2nd Angelina Ballerina
Today is Wednesday and Dad and Tara had a special outing.  Angelina Ballerina’s Big Audition came to Invercargill’s theatre for today only so Tara got out of school!  It is a lovely old theatre and Tara really enjoyed the show.  After the show Tara got to pick where we ate and chose Pizza Hut (we have eaten out at a fast food restaurant only twice the last four months)!
The kids are really enjoying the Southland Toy Library.  They check something out every week and get a lot of use out of it.
Tara outside the wonderful theatre in Invercargill.

Inside before Angelina starts.

A costume from the toy library-Tara is dancing!

Gabe's creation from the toy library.

The two houses on either side of our driveway.

Our driveway.

The house we are living in.

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